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วิไลรัตน์ ขันธ์เจริญ
ชไมพร ดิสถาพร
ราชันย์ บุญธิมา
สมบูรณ์ บูรศิริรักษ์


This research aimed to develop a model of the participation of guardians in educational activities at secondary demonstration schools in Bangkok. The study was conducted in three stages. Stage one involved a survey of a sample group of three hundred seventy guardians in eight secondary demonstration schools in Bangkok with a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.924.  The data analysis incorporated the use of average and content analysis.  Stage two was the model design and employed the data obtained from stage one. This was followed by a group interview with twelve specialists and experts.  Then content analysis was used to analyze the data.  Stage three involved a survey on model evaluation, taking its feasibility and suitability into consideration. The sample group consisted of two hundred and ninety administrators, instructors, and guardians. The instrument used in the survey was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.950 and a validity of 0.967. The statistical tools used to analyze the data were average, standard deviation, and t-test for one sample.

     The findings of the research showed that 1) the participation of guardians in educational activities at secondary demonstration schools was at an average level 2) and their participation involved decision making, parenting, learning at home, working in the community, volunteering, communicating and coordinating to pool educational resources and to comment on policies and administration. 3) With regard to evaluation, the model was rated highly suitable and feasible.  It was rated higher than the criteria at a statistically significant level of 0.01.

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ขันธ์เจริญ ว., ดิสถาพร ช., บุญธิมา ร., & บูรศิริรักษ์ ส. (2016). THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUARDIANS’ PARTICIPATION MODEL IN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF SECONDARY DEMONSTRTION SCHOOL IN BANGKOK. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(3), 75–81. retrieved from
Research Articles


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