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ชาญชัย แสงโพธิ์
วิสุทธิ์ สุนทรกนกพงศ์
ปิยะ ศุภวราสุวัฒน์


The objectives of this research were to develop a laboratory apparatus of a microcontroller for controlling a robot, as identified in the vocational certificate curriculum of BE 2013 under the Vocational Education Commission, and to determine its efficiency. The sample of the study consisted of 25 first year electronics students enrolled in 2105-2105 Microcontrollers at Minburi Technical College. These students were  selected by using the purposive sampling method. The research tools were a laboratory apparatus of a microcontroller for controlling a robot, an experimental worksheet, an achievement test, and an assessment  form of the efficiency. The statistics utilized for data analysis were arithmetic mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that the quality of the content was at the good level, while the media production was at the great level (gif.latex?\bar{X} =4.51, S.D. =0.31). Overall, the efficiency of the laboratory  apparatus of a microcontroller for controlling a robot or E1/E2 was  81.22/88.80, as already hypothesized.

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แสงโพธิ์ ช., สุนทรกนกพงศ์ ว., & ศุภวราสุวัฒน์ ป. (2016). A LABORATORY SET OF A MICROCONTROLLER FOR CONTROLLING A ROBOT. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(2), 126–130. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122595
Research Articles


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