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ชัยอนันต์ มั่นคง
สุดารัตน์ สารสว่าง
สนั่น ประจงจิตร
วารุณี ลัภนโชคดี


This paper presents a causal relationship of proactive work behavior of lecturers in the Rajamangala University of Technology. The purposes of this research were to 1) study causal factors of proactive work behavior of the lecturers, 2) develop a causal relationship model of proactive work behavior of the lecturers, and 3) examine consistency of a causal relationship model of proactive work behavior of the lecturers. A samples of 450 lecturers was randomly selected from nine Rajamangala University of Technology in the 2016 academic year. Sample are those who were in five disciplines as follow, 1) Engineering services, 2) Architectural services, 3) Surveying qualification, 4) Accountancy services, and 5) Tourism. These disciplines were tied to the Mutual Recognition Arrangements: MRAs, the sectorial agreements based on the free movement of labor in the ASEAN region.  The tool for data collection was a questionnaire constructed by the researcher. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in terms of relationship coefficient, along with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM).

The results showed as follows. 1) Proactive personality, transformational leadership, teacher-efficacy and psychological empowerment were causes of proactive work behaviors of the lecturers, by which proactive personality variables affected proactive work behaviors the most through teacher-efficacy variable.  2) Causal relationship of proactive work behavior of the was consistent with empirical data Chi-square (X2) = 125.610, p-value = .083, RMSEA =.022, CFI =.995, GFI=.971, AGFI = .943

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มั่นคง ช., สารสว่าง ส., ประจงจิตร ส., & ลัภนโชคดี ว. (2016). CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP OF PROACTIVE WORK BEHAVIOR OF LECTURERS IN THE RAJAMANGALA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. Journal of Industrial Education, 15(2), 118–125. retrieved from
Research Articles


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