Effects of Learning Activities by using Problem-based Learning (PBL) Approach in One Variable - Linear Equation for Matthayomsuksa 2

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ปกรชัย เมืองโคตร
เดช บุญประจักษ์
พรสิน สุภวาลย์


This research aimed: 1) to compare achievement in mathematics of Matthayomsuksa 2 student before receiving instruction using the problem-based learning approach on the application of linear equations with one variable, 2) to compare the achievement in mathematics of the students after receiving instruction by using the problem-based learning approach on the application of linear equations with one variable with 75 percent criteria. The population comprised 180 Matthayomsuksa 2 students of Wat Prasrimahadhat Secondary Demonstration School, Phranakhon Rajabhat University enrolled in academic year 2013. 45 sample was selected by using simple random. The tools used in this research were lesson plans and mathematics achievement tests. The collected data were accomplished on achievement test scores before and after the instructional treatment. The statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation and The hypothesis testing through t-test independent sampling.

The findings showed that1)  The achievement in mathematics of  Matthayomsuksa 2 Students after receiving the instructional treatment by using the problem-based learning approach on the applications of linear equations with one variable was higher than before receiving the instructional treatment with statistical significance level of .05. 2)The achievement in mathematics of Matthayomsuksa 2 Students after receiving the instructional treatment by using the problem-based learning approach on the applications of linear equations with one variable was not higher than 75 percent with statistical significance level .05.

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How to Cite
เมืองโคตร ป., บุญประจักษ์ เ., & สุภวาลย์ พ. (2015). Effects of Learning Activities by using Problem-based Learning (PBL) Approach in One Variable - Linear Equation for Matthayomsuksa 2. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 568–575. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122527
Research Articles


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