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The purposes of this research were to study the primary data for Development of teaching model to enhance the problem solving capability in mathematics of fifth grade students. to study the data in develop. to development teaching model to enhance the problem solving capability in mathematics of fifth grade students efficiency 80/80. Study the result of before and after use teaching model to enhance the problem solving capability in mathematics of fifth grade students and evaluate the contentment result of teaching model to enhance the problem solving capability in mathematics of fifth grade students. The samples were used to select 33 students from 6 rooms by Cluster Random Sampling. The research instruments were 1) PLOPG Model 2) Index of Item – objective Congruence (IOC) of Model, 3) the achievement test and 4) Contentment form. The obtained data were analyzed for using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and IOC.
The result of the study revealed that all concern are interest of teaching model to enhance the problem solving capability in mathematics of fifth grade students, interview an Instructional director and student interest in teaching model include preparing and motivating student for learning as such as sing a song playing the game, present the new content, repeat the content for connect to teaching activities, practices and conclude the knowledge the last one the teaching activities should emphasize childe center for can apply in the future. Teaching model are name “PLOPG Model” include 5 step is
1) Preparing Step: P
2) Learning of Review Step: L
3) Offer of Learning Step: O
4) Practice Step: P
5) Generalization Step: G
This model have more efficiency 84.01/83.23 was a high level than 80/80. The Result of comparative the Enhance of Problem Solving in Mathematics after learning was a high level more than before learning with PLOPG Model at the level of .01. Contentment of Fifth Grade Students for the Enhance of Problem Solving in Mathematics in overview was a high level (=4.50, S.D= 0.60). The utilization of teaching side was a high level (
= 4.61, S.D = 0.47).
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