Web-based Instruction for Review on Tenses for Undergraduate Students, Kasem Bundit University

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สุรวัฒน์ ฐานสโร
บุญจันทร์ สีสันต์
ไพฑูรย์ พิมดี


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop the quality and efficient web-based instruction (WBI) for review on tenses and 2) compare the students’ achievement between before and after the study with the WBI for review on tenses. The samples of this research were 60 students of the 1st year students of Kasem Bundit University. They were separated into 2 groups, 30 students was for determining the efficiency of WBI and the other was for comparison the students’ achievement between before and after studying with WBI. The instruments of this research were a WBI for review on tenses, an instructional quality questionnaires and an achievement test. The achievement test consisted of 30 items possessing the degree of difficulty ranging between 0.20-0.77, the degree of discrimination between 0.38-0.71 and the reliability coefficient of 0.89. Data was analyzed by statistically mean, standard deviation, WBI efficiency (E1/E2) and t-test for dependent samples. The results of the research were found that 1) the quality about content aspect of the developed WBI for review on tenses was good (gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}= 4.10) whereas the quality about multi-media production was good (gif.latex?\small&space;\bar{X}= 4.25) and the efficiency of the WBI for review on tenses was 86.92/88.50 2) the students’ achievement after studying with the WBI for review on tenses was statistically significant higher than before at .05 Level.  

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How to Cite
ฐานสโร ส., สีสันต์ บ., & พิมดี ไ. (2015). Web-based Instruction for Review on Tenses for Undergraduate Students, Kasem Bundit University. Journal of Industrial Education, 14(2), 418–424. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/122418
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