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The main purposes of this research include developing the quality and efficiency of web-based instruction about an application development for 9th grade students via STEM education activities as well as comparing the learning achievement between the students who are learning through web-based instruction via STEM education activities and regularly-instructed group. The samples of the study are 30 students per group in second semester of academic year of 2015 from Thepha School, Songkla. Group 1 is the group of students who are learning through web-based instruction via STEM education activities and group 2 is the group of students who apply the normal learning. All samples are selected by Cluster Random Sampling Method. The research tools are comprised of web-based instruction lessons, quality evaluation questionnaire of web-based instruction and achievement test. The Index of Consistency (IOC) was reported between 0.67-1.00 while the level of difficulty was between 0.27-0.80. The degree of discrimination was between 0.20-0.53 while the test reliability was at 0.82. The data were statistically analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and independent sample t-test.
The results showed that the total quality of web-based instruction via STEM education activities was at very good level ( = 4.54, S = 0.54) with the quality of content at very good level (
= 4.58, S = 0.58) and the quality of media production at good level (
= 4.48, S = 0.50). It is also found that the efficiency of web-based instruction lessons (E1/E2) was 82.60/80.15. Furthermore, it is revealed that the learning efficiency of the student learning through web-based instruction via STEM education activities was significantly better than those of the regularly-instructed group at significant level of 0.05.
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