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The objectives of this study were 1) to examine factors influencing healthy underwear consumption among elderly males, 2) to develop healthy underwear sample for elderly males, and 3) to evaluate elderly male consumers’ satisfaction toward the underwear sample. The research sample was a group of 30 males aged 25-50 years, 8 males aged 51-59 years, 30 males aged 60 years and over and 5 caretakers in Bangkok and Chon Buri. The sample was selected by purposive sampling method. The research instruments included a questionnaire and interviews. Data analysis was conducted through descriptive statistics including percentage, mean (), and standard deviation (S.D.). The analyzed data were applied in the revision of conceptual framework for the product design. In addition, quality function deployment, theory of inventive problem solving, brand positioning, and reverse engineering method were also employed. Subsequently, the design results were evaluated by experts prior to the development of product samples.
The result showed that 1) most elderly male aged 60 and over (50%) did not wear underwear, while the other 20% wore boxer. In general, 33% of this group had 30-33 inches waist size (L). The highest fabric preference was cotton (30%), and the highest color preferences were white, grey and black (33%). The most common underwear-related illness in elderly males was urological diseases (60%). 2) result of underwear sample evaluation by underwear designers and experts showed that design no. 1 was highly appropriate (=3.82, S.D. = 0.07). 3) Satisfaction toward the underwear sample among elderly males was at a high level (
=4.06, S.D. = 0.12).
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