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เทียมพบ ก้านเหลือง
สันติ ศรีสวนแตง
ประสงค์ ตันพิชัย


This research aimed to capacity building of Chumco municipality to natural resource and environmental management (NREM). The study was to investigate stakeholders and roles, undertaken a SWOT analysis, and evaluation expectations, as well as developed awareness in order to generate cooperation by academic forum and focus groups and improved NREM Strategies of the local government office. The data were gathered by using qualitative, including interviews and focus groups, and quantitative, with questionnaires. The results showed:

  1. Participants included administrators and staff of Chumco municipality, community leaders, people in education, and businessman and women, who worked on NREM projects such and mangrove forest planted, rehabilitated of giant clam, and area based collaborative research.

  2. For SWOT analysis, a few communities were actively involved in NREM; government administrators valued such involvement, but lack of environmental ordinances.

  3. For awareness, it was widely suggested that natural resource and environment were easily-damaged and needed to be appropriately managed, and to involve the community participation process. The findings revealed that the level of participation in the planning, co-operate operational, monitoring and share utility increased significantly compared to the pre-study.

  4. Areas to strategies further address to include: stream management integration; planting perennial trees than crops alongside watercourses to preserve wetland; removal of coastal rubbish; ecological management of tourism; and regulating rubbish collection of pilot villages.

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How to Cite
ก้านเหลือง เ., ศรีสวนแตง ส., & ตันพิชัย ป. (2017). CAPACITY BUILDING OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION FOR NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(2), 97–105. retrieved from
Research Articles


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