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พฤทธิวรรณ ช่วงพิทักษ์
ฐิยาพร กันตาธนวัฒน์
ปริยาภรณ์ ตั้งคุณานันต์


The purposes of this research were to 1) create a lesson plan to develop the quality of Flipped Classroom with Active Learning in Presenting Information Using Technology, 2) develop the quality and efficiency of e-Learning in Presenting Information Using Technology, and 3) compare the presentation skill achievements of students before and after learning by Flipped Classroom with Active Learning in Presenting Information Using Technology. The samples was Grade 10 students from Chonkanyanukoon School, who were studying Communication and Presentation in semester 2/2016, selected by the cluster random sampling method by lottery from 2 classes. The instruments were 1) a lesson plan for Flipped Classroom with Active Learning in Presenting Information Using Technology, 2) a quality evaluation form of Flipped Classroom with Active Learning in Presenting Information Using Technology, 3) e-Learning for the Presenting Information Using Technology topic, 4) an e-Learning quality evaluation form for the Presenting Information Using Technology topic, and 5) a skill evaluation form for students studying the Presenting Information Using Technology topic with the Index of Cogruence (IOC) was equal to 1.00 and Inter-rater reliability of process was at 0.838 and Inter-rater reliability of product was at 0.916. that the skill evaluation form for presentation skills is consistent. The data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test for dependent samples.

    The results of this research found that 1) the quality of the lesson plan for Flipped Classroom with Active Learning was at an excellent level (  gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.65), 2) the efficiency of e-Learning was equal to 84.00/87.08, and 3) the results of presentation skill achievement for post-test scores were significantly higher than the pre-test scores by a level of at .01.


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ช่วงพิทักษ์ พ., กันตาธนวัฒน์ ฐ., & ตั้งคุณานันต์ ป. (2017). DEVELOPMENT OF FLIPPED CLASSROOM WITH ACTIVE LEARNING VIA E-LEARNING IN PRESENTING INFORMATION USING TECHNOLOGY FOR HIGH SCHOOL. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(2), 89–96. retrieved from
Research Articles


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