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ธรรมรัตน์ พรมา
ปานจิต ป้อมอาสา
จินตนา บุนนาค


The aim of this research was to test the contamination of Coliform Bacteria, Water Hardness and the pH value of ice which were necessary inputs to provide relevant information on safe drinking shops  in KMITL.  Samples of ice from thirty one (31) different drink shops at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) were obtained to investigate the contamination of Coliform Bacteria infestation using the test kit DOS11, Water Hardness using the DOS37 by the Central Laboratory Center, Department of Health Ministry of Public Health and pH value. Results showed that ice from drink shops have Coliform Bacteria with high contamination from 87 samples which account for 81.72%, Water Hardness showed over standard as defined from 42 samples or 45.16%, and pH value inspection in water with ice sold in all faculty inside KMITL has a pH value of moderate degree (5.00) from 93 samples, accounting for 100%, which does not follow defined standard. Therefore, drink distributors should be cautious in choosing ice shop sources by following the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standard with clean and  hygienic ice transport. Also, they should have proper personal hygiene including proper handling of ice when directly  mixing it with other products like bottled water and soft drink including cooked food. This research can be used as a guideline in solving the problem of Coliform Bacteria and to find ways to prevent the contamination of Coliform Bacteria in ice used by drinking shops at KMITL in order to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease caused by the infection in the future.

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How to Cite
พรมา ธ., ป้อมอาสา ป., & บุนนาค จ. (2017). QUALITY ANALYSIS OF ICE FROM DRINKING SHOPS IN KING MONGKUT’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LADKRABANG. Journal of Industrial Education, 16(3), 12–20. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE/article/view/119838
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