Development of Web-Based Tutorial on Principle of Programming In the Problems Analysis and Writing Flowcharts
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The purposes of this research were as follows; 1) To development of Web-Based Tutorial on Principle of Programming: The Problems Analysis and Writing Flowcharts 2) To find efficiency of Web-Based Tutorial for Review, and 3) To compare pretest and posttest achievement scores of subjects learning with Web-Based Tutorial for Review. The samples used in this study were 37 vocational students in 2013 academic year, field of business computing, Panomsarakham Industrial and Community Education College. They had already studied Principle of Programming: The Problems Analysis and Writing Flowcharts. Cluster sampling method was used to select 1 group (37 students for each group) out of 2 groups of population.
Instruments of research consisted of Web-Based Tutorial, the quality questionnaire and multiple choices achievement test. This test comprised 50 items with reliability coefficient of 0.82, the IOC between 0.67-100, the degree of difficulty between 0.40-0.80, and the degree of discrimination 0.30-0.80.
The result of this research revealed that:
1. The quality was evaluated by the expert and found that the content was in a very good level (=4.80, S.D=0.35) and technic media development was in a very good level (
=4.73, S.D=0.31)
2. The efficiency (E1/E2) of the Web-Based Tutorial was 82.36/81.49.
3. Achievement of students after learning with Web-Based Tutorial on Principle of Programming: The problems analysis and writing flowcharts was statistically and significantly higher than the achievement prior to learning with Web-Based Tutorial (α=0.01).
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