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Sathaphon Charernsuphachokkul
Chaiyut Mansamut
Wattana Samanjit


This research aims to designed control the water supply system and find the efficiency of the solar water pump. The research methods is designed by using a 1080-Watt, 96-Volt solar panel. The water pump is selected as a 600-Watt deep well pump with a DC voltage of 45-150 Volts. The water pumping system is controlled by using an inverter. The experiment is conducted at a depth of 2 meters. The results show that when there is no load (the deep well pump has not been in water) in sunny weather conditions, the experiment is conducted twice. It takes 1 minute each time. The light intensity is 947 W/m2, the motor current is 3.2 Amps, the DC voltage is 92.8 Volts, the power is 757 W, and the speed is 3,200 rpm. The load is tested in sunny weather conditions and the light intensity is 764 W/m2, the motor current is 7 Amps, the DC voltage is 81.2 Volts, the power is 640 Watts, and the speed is 2,844 rpm. The water flow rate is 100 liters per minute. The solar water pump has an efficiency of 67.75 percent.

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How to Cite
PHOOSOMMA, P., Charernsuphachokkul, S., Mansamut, C., & Samanjit, W. (2024). A SOLAR ENERGY WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM FOR DRIVING SOIL SALINITY FOR GROWING VEGETABLES. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 11(2), 107–114. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/258797
Research Article
Author Biography

PRASIT PHOOSOMMA, Railway System Management Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Dhonburi Rajabhat University

Prasit Phoosomma was born in Nakhonrachasima, Thailand, in 1971. He received the Ph.D. from theFaculty of Energy, Materials and Environment, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, currently working at Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Thailand


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