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This research aimed to extract cellulose from bagasse pretreatment processes using physical and chemical methods by studying the effects of temperature, time, and lignocellulose content used in the process of converting bagasse into cellulose. The study of the processing was used distillation water, 0.1%V/V hydrochloric acid and 0.1%W/V sodium hydroxide as catalytic pretreatment at ambient temperature and 120°C found that processing study at high temperature and long time increased the amount of cellulose, especially the processing with 0.1%W/V sodium hydroxide at 120°C for 15 minutes, which could increase the highest cellulose content 83.77% and reduce the amount of lignin and hemicellulose effectively. The results of the processing indicated the ability to remove hemicellulose and lignin, resulting in the structure of bagasse clearly changing and being able to extract purer cellulose. When the selected samples of unprocessed and processed bagasse were examined, the structure of the selected processed bagasse was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the structure of bagasse before the structure of unprocessed bagasse was not broken and was in multiple layers. When processed with sodium hydroxide, it was found that the structure was clearly torn and broken. There was an increase in the gap between the fiber layers, which showed that the removal of hemicellulose and lignin was effective, resulting in the cellulose obtained being suitable and pure, which could be further used.
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