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Economic growth and population density have led to a continuous increase in energy consumption, resulting in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions becoming a critical issue that all countries need to manage effectively and appropriately. CO2 is a major contributor to climate change, air pollution, and adverse effects on human livelihoods, particularly in the transportation sector, which shows a significant upward trend. Thus, understanding the future trends and patterns of CO2 emissions can assist policymakers in developing measures and initiatives that are responsive to these changes. This research aims to forecast CO2 emissions from the transportation sector using regression analysis and neural network models. The study employs data on energy consumption, the number of registered vehicles, population size, gross domestic product (GDP), and regional economic confidence indices from 2007 to 2023. The results show that the neural network model provides more accurate and efficient CO2 emission forecasts than the regression model, as indicated by the root mean square error. Additionally, a five-year forward forecast, assuming that energy consumption, the number of registered vehicles, and GDP increase at a rate of 1% per month, predicts a continuous rise in CO2 emissions. When comparing the forecast results of the two models at any given time point, it is observed that the regression model consistently yields higher predicted values than the neural network model, with an average difference of 6,787,756 tons. As the forecast horizon extends, the disparity between the predictions from the two models becomes progressively larger. With the forecasting capabilities of the neural network model, policymakers and regulatory agencies can formulate more effective and sustainable environmental management policies. It can be utilized to continuously monitor CO2 emission trends and evaluate the effectiveness of CO2 emission reduction strategies.
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เนื้อหาและข่อมูลในบทความที่ลงตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ เทคโนโลยี พลังงาน และสิ่งแวดล้อม บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม ถือเป็นข้อคิดเห็นและความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนบทความโดยตรง ซึ่งกองบรรณาธิการวารสารไม่จำเป็นต้องเห็นด้วย หรือว่าร่วมรับผิดชอบใด ๆ
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