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Suttilug Choonprawat
Suppaluk Jariyasin
Thiti Arjnonla
Vutichai Kespanich


This research aims to 1) develop a mobile application to promote weight control, 2) determine the effectiveness of the mobile application for weight control promotion, and 3) assess user satisfaction with the mobile application for weight control promotion. The sample for this research was 28 employees from a private company who are interested in dietary control, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools included the mobile application for weight control promotion, an effectiveness evaluation form for the mobile application, and a user satisfaction evaluation form for the mobile application. The statistical methods used for data analysis included mean and standard deviation.
The research findings indicated that the developed mobile application for weight control promotion comprised six functions: 1) personal data recording, 2) daily calorie requirement calculation, 3) daily food intake recording, 4) food items and calorie content, 5) weekly and monthly calorie intake reports, and 6) nutritional knowledge. The evaluation of the mobile application's effectiveness in terms of content showed a high level of suitability (Mean=4.36, S.D.=0.52). The evaluation of the mobile application's performance indicated a high level of suitability (Mean=3.91, S.D. = 0.78). Overall user satisfaction with the mobile application was moderate (Mean=3.20, S.D.= 0.48).

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How to Cite
Choonprawat, S., Jariyasin, S., Arjnonla, T., & Kespanich, V. (2024). DEVELOPMENT MOBILE APPLICATION TO PROMOTE WEIGHT CONTROL. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 11(1), 88–97. retrieved from
Research Article


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