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soonthorn saengpetch
Thachapan Nooniem


This research is to improve the efficiency of the air system and the loss of air pressure in the distribution system because the compressed air system is the tool and source in the air pressure production process. To pass on to other power-saving machinery and equipment in the pneumatic system and measuring instrument control system. Pneumatic conveyor systems are used to reduce human effort in many production processes. Compressed air is required for various pneumatic equipment such as air cylinders, air guns, polishing machines, drilling machines, spraying machines and conveying machines, as well as being a component in the use of various automatic machines. Reciprocating air compressors have sizes ranging from ¼ horsepower and up, but those commonly used in industrial plants have sizes ranging from 5–15 horsepower (3.7–11.0 kW). This research was conducted specifically. Piston air compressor that has been used for 9 years. Belt-type air pump, PP310A 10HP   3 cylinders 260 liters, 380V. The research results found that electrical energy used before the renovation was 21,060 kWh/year, and electrical energy used after the renovation was 19,699 kWh/year. Electrical energy can be reduced to 1,361 kWh/year, accounting for 6.46%.

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How to Cite
saengpetch, soonthorn, & Nooniem, T. (2024). ANALYTICAL STUDY FOR REDUCE ENERGY LOSS IN COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMS. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 11(1), 1–8. retrieved from
Research Article


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