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Currently, the logistics industry has been highly competitive since before the COVID-19 crisis from large foreign businesses, which have divided the market due to their expertise in supply chain management. It has a business model driven by technology and innovation. This makes it difficult for entrepreneurs with limited capital to compete. In addition, the problem of global warming has clearly affected the world. The main cause of the greenhouse effect is the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. From various forms of burning. The purposes of this study are 1) study the basic factors in establishing a logistics center in Vientiane Capital. Lao People's Democratic Republic 2) Analyze important logistics activities in selecting a logistics center location in the capital city of Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Use interviews to collect information from key informants who are experts. Logistics 15 people and questionnaires from the population of companies that directly operate logistics, 100 people, purposive sampling. Statistics analyze data using frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations.
Results of research on basic factors in establishing a logistics center in Vientiane Capital. The Lao People's Democratic Republic consists of geography. Infrastructure Logistics activities: 13 activities; Business operations and product quantity Overall, the factors that are considered in the selection of basic logistics center locations give importance to all aspects at a high level ( = 4.39), together with all 13 logistics activities, which are considered a process in Carry out work that drives products and services to ensure overall efficiency of all 13 logistics activities. The importance of every aspect is at a high level (
= 4.40). Suggestions and needs regarding factors and logistics activities used in Selection of a location for the logistics center of Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic, mainly requires that operators focus on logistics management. It is 26.13 percent and the government sector must give importance to the logistics system in raising the quality of service as well as developing it into a standard model of logistics service providers under the logistics center. in Vientiane capital Lao People's Democratic Republic
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