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This research aims to study the potential and evaluate the investment economics of a cooling system that combines evaporative cooling with a chiller system in a strawberry greenhouse. The greenhouse has dimensions of 12 m in width, 40 m in length, and 6 m in height. It is covered with polyethylene plastic. The experiments are divided into the following two operating modes: Evaporative Cooling System (EV) and Evaporative Cooling System combined with Chiller System (EV+CH). From the study of the potential of the cooling system used in the prototype greenhouse. In each month studied it was found that, the daily average maximum solar radiation intensity (IT) is between 600-700 W/m2, it was found that during the month of March 2022, the highest average air temperature inside the greenhouse was observed when compared to the period from November 2021 to February 2022, with an average value of 32 °C. This value could not be reduced throughout all time periods as desired by strawberries, which require temperatures below 30 °C. Regarding the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the cooling system, it was discovered that in the operation of the EV+CH cooling system was 17, which is higher than the operation of the EV cooling system of 14. For evaluating the investment economics of the cooling system in the greenhouse the study 4 cases with different conditions some cases are prescriptive adding the planting cycle or adding a bench, which it was found that increasing the planting cycle and adding a bench planting trough would be the most appropriate approach. This is since this case has the highest Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), which are 909,854 Baht and 20.78%, respectively. Additionally, this case has a payback period (PB) are 4 years 6 months, making it the shortest period for recouping the investment compared to other cases.
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