Introduction to Cyberpsychology for Enhancing Cybersecurity

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Varin Khera


This article introduces an overview and introduction to the field of cyberpsychology and how it impacts cybersecurity. It concerns with understanding cyberpsychology and how to managing the online behaviors to reduce risk of cyberattacks from cyber perpetrators. The article shows various methods and techniques used to study the cyberpsychology, such as: surveys, experiments, and observations. It also suggests implications of cyberpsychology for society including the potential for digital literacy education, and the development of new interventions to address online problems. And at the end, it shows the future directions of the research studies of cyberpsychology.


Keywords: Cyberpsychology, Internet Psychology, Cybersecurity, Online Behavior 

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How to Cite
Khera, V. (2023). Introduction to Cyberpsychology for Enhancing Cybersecurity . Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 10(1). retrieved from
Review Article


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