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The objectives of this research were 1) to study and develop a demonstration system of shallow water pumping by small solar energy for household and 2) to compare the efficiency of the obtained water between the solar energy and the power supply from the electricity at each period. The main equipment consisted of the 300 Watt of DC motor pump, the 400 Watts of solar panel mounted on a mobile structure, dimension of 73.5 centimeters width, 74.5 centimeters length and 136.5 centimeters height. The internal control cabinet was equipped with a switch power supply of 24 Volts, 30 Amperes, a DC circuit breaker, an alternating current DC Surge Protector and a monitor showing electrical current meter. The amount of water flew through the meter. After installing the equipment, the operation measurements were done during the period of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. System testing was determined by monitoring the water flow between the switching power supply source and the solar energy source. Recording data were done on 6 times in 1 hour for 3 times. It was found that the solar energy source had a higher capacity than the switching power supply source as the solar energy source obtained 3,771.26 liters per hour or 25,930.03 liters per day at a flow rate of 61.18 liters per minute of water. Whereas the switching power supply source obtained 2,878.20 liters per hour or 25,903.80 liters per day at a flow rate of 54.33 liters per minute of water.
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