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Suphamart Phakakat


The objectives of this study were 1) to develop a Myanmar language application for tourism; 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the Myanmar language application for tourism; 3) to assess the satisfaction of users of the Myanmar language tourism application. The sampling groups were 3 specialists and 50 travelers. Among the experts, one was application expert, while the others were Myanmar language expert. Fifty travelers, who visited Mae Sot District, Tak Province, were randomly selected. The tools used in this study were the evaluation form for the performance of Myanmar language applications and the user satisfaction assessment form with 5 scales, and the means and standard deviation were reported. The researcher developed a Myanmar language application for tourism with Construct 2 program. Based on the specialist evaluation, the average was 4.50, while standard deviation was 0.34 suggesting at a high level. According to the results of user satisfaction with Myanmar language application for tourism, the average was 3.96, whereas standard deviation was 0.54 indicating at a high level.

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How to Cite
Phakakat, S. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF MYANMAR LANGUAGE APPLICATION FOR TOURISM. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 9(2), 62–72. retrieved from
Research Article


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