Reverse Logistics System for the Management of Fluorescent Waste in Thailand

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chetphanat panyawacharawongse


The Study of the Reverse Logistics System for the Management of Fluorescent Waste in Thailand which lead to product value added and to reduce environmental impact and create consumer safety. The purposes of this research aims to 1) To Study the factors affecting the reverse logistics management of fluorescent in Thailand. 2) To assess the cost of reverse logistics of fluorescent waste in Thailand 3) To design a reverse logistics system for fluorescent waste in Thailand 4) To propose incentives in reverse logistics management for fluorescent waste in Thailand. Collecting information by using in-depth interview experts persons from 10 organizations and collecting a sample of 400 consumers, applied statistics for the Behavioral Sciences and Social Science Statistics, Cost Management in Accounting of Activity-Based Costing (ABC). The results of the study showed that the design of Reverse Logistics System and the incentive for the Reverse Logistics Management incentive for Fluorescent Waste in the appropriated way.

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How to Cite
panyawacharawongse, chetphanat. (2021). Reverse Logistics System for the Management of Fluorescent Waste in Thailand. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 8(2), 45–57. retrieved from
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