The Design and Construction of Wireless LAN System model Adhoc Killer Robot Controlled by Microcontroller

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Chaiporn Addoddorn


This paper presents the design and construction of wireless killer robot controlled by wireless LAN control model Adhoc with the use of protocol TCP/IP. The robot able to move, spy, point and shoot the target in the desired environments or in the environments that are dangerous to humans. It obtains a command from the computer keyboard and the control software is written with Visual C# .NET language for controlling the communication system as well as the microcontroller PIC16F877 through the serial port RS232. In the actual test, the robot could be wirelessly controlled by the computer keyboard from the maximum distance of 30 meters and the microcontroller is able to receive the instruction from the small computer for processing and controlling all robot functions, such as forward, backward, stop, turn right, turn left, spy, point, and shoot the target as desired. This robot can move at the maximum speed of 1.12 m/s and the accuracy of shooting at 13 meters is 53.33%. From the experiment results, it can be seen that the design of this robot can be further enhanced for use as military spy robot and killer robot in the battle field without the loss of manpower.

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How to Cite
Addoddorn, C. (2021). The Design and Construction of Wireless LAN System model Adhoc Killer Robot Controlled by Microcontroller. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 8(2), 23–35. retrieved from
Research Article


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