Formaldehyde treatment with ozone in anatomy classroom

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Pawena Limpiteeprakan
Thidaporn Srithai
Parichat Jansen
Soitong Panpo
Wipada Dechapany


The teaching and learning of professors, students, and staff working at anatomy buildings are often affected by the odor of formaldehyde gas emitted from the dissection of the cadaver during the study. For this reason, ozone was used for classroom formaldehyde gas treatment. This study aims to study the appropriate conditions and the effectiveness of ozone in the treatment of formaldehyde gas in a classroom at the anatomy building of one university. The instruments included the reactor, portable formaldehyde monitor, HFX 205 model, and Hotwire Anemometer. Area sampling was performed as a baseline before treatment. It uses oxygen to produce ozone from pure oxygen cylinders. Measurements and treatment were performed on the day of the corpse's body opening. The results showed that the optimum conditions for the treatment of formaldehyde gas in the classroom with ozone were the ozone spray rate of 1,100 mg / hr at a fan speed of 1.80 m/s with a suction radius of 7 m. The appropriate suction rate is 0.608 m3 /s. It takes at least 25 minutes to bring the concentration below the standard, with the highest treatment efficiency of 89.8%.

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How to Cite
Limpiteeprakan, P., Srithai, T. ., Jansen, P. ., Panpo, S. ., & Dechapany, W. . (2021). Formaldehyde treatment with ozone in anatomy classroom. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 8(2), 12–22. retrieved from
Research Article


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