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Fuel pellets produced from the sewage sludge of the canned tuna processing industry. Qualified to be used as a coal substitute for boilers. Due to the low production cost and the cost of sewage sludge removal for the canned tuna processing industry very well. However, the economic returns from the use of sewage sludge fuel pellets as a substitute for coal. They are somewhat susceptible to changes in coal prices as the main fuel of the boilers. Therefore, this study will focus on analyzing the economic return of fuel pellets produced from sewage sludge which varies according to changes in coal price. The results of the study showed that when the price of coal fuel tended to rise. Significantly higher economic returns from the use of sewage sludge fuel pellets. The results of the analysis showed that Total Saving Rate Cost (TSRC) would occur at the highest (69.10%), which would occur at + 20% of coal fuel, which resulted in the overall improvement of the economic index. As well as Net Present Value (NPV) 109,648.03 baht, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 62.61%, Benefit per Cost Ratio (B/C) 201.29%, Payback Period (1.75 years). Whereas, when the price of coal fuel has dropped from -20% down, it is found that it is not worth the investment in producing fuel pellets from sewage sludge.
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