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This search aims to studies used heat pump drying oven for dried chrysanthemum flowers. Research method were (1) experiment of dried chrysanthemum flowers for measurement energy consumption, drying time, moisture and (2) analyze engineering economic value such as the payback period, net present value, internal rate of return. The result show that dried chrysanthemum flowers by heat pump drying oven can reduced product moisture lower than 5 % follow entrepreneur requirement. The optimum temperature was 65 oC while 8 hours and consume energy about 1.091 kWh/hr for drying process. The economic analysis found that ROI was 3 months 21 days counted by 3.00% of discount rate and 3 months 27 days was 6.76% of discount rate. Net present value was shown positively, IRR was more than present interest rate and benefit cost analysis have more value than 1 point which shows that the investment of heat pump drying oven is reasonable for investment and sensitivity analysis for investment in case of a 30% cost increased and a 30% return on investment decreased, it is found that the investment is also suitable and worth. Therefore, all data from analysis can be used for making decision to investment in heat pump drying oven for dried chrysanthemums.
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