Use of Ozone The Cyclone System Treatment of Domestic Wastewater

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วนิดา ศรทอง
Mongkol Jongsuphanphong
Thakrit Panklib


Wastewater is a problem that occurs along with the expansion of the community in Bangkok, metropolitan and also urban area. The current research aims to find the properties of the water treatment machine of the using ozone-cyclone system by allowing the amount of ozone to be treated with wastewater 5 gO3/h. The methodology of this study was to develop high pressure plasma ozone connecting with cyclone system, determine energy consumption rate efficiency of wastewater treatment instrument by mixing ozone, analyse the Coefficient of Determination (R2). The results showed that energy consumption of electricity per hour was only 1.55 baht per 678 liters of wastewater. The analysis result of Coefficient of Determination (R2) indicated that the average level of ozone level at 5 gO3/hr Average 0.8681. In conclusion, the efficiency of wastewater treatment with ozone and cyclone system can treat wastewater to be complied with the control standard of wastewater according to the Pollution Control Department in the duration of 12 minutes. The results meet the objectives of the study in terms of efficiency and economy aspect including the maintenance which worth for investment. The ozone with cyclone system is considered as an efficiency innovation for wastewater treatment.


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How to Cite
ศรทอง ว., Jongsuphanphong , M. ., & Panklib, T. . (2021). Use of Ozone The Cyclone System Treatment of Domestic Wastewater. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 7(2), 87–96. retrieved from
Research Article


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