A Framework of Attribute Data Measurement System Analysis of Machine Vision Techniques for Contamination Detection on Air Bearing Surface

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ปัญญา สำราญหันต์


The electronics industry of Thailand is an industry with high potential and very important to the Thai economy. the exported value from 2016 to 2019 years, an average of over US $ 30 billion per year. In the electronics industry, trying to develop new technologies to control quality, especially the small electronic components quality inspection. Attempts have been made to change the inspection method by the employee to image processing systems or machine vision. It improves the accuracy and continuity of work. However, the machine vision inspection has limitations in the confidence in the valuation of error from inspection results for a decision to implement the system. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a framework for analyzing the efficiency of machine vision systems by attribute data measurement system analysis for electronic components. The measurement system analysis framework of this document from the relevant literature review and presented in 3 parts, the first is a quality inspection by machine vision. The second part is the development of machine vision systems and the evaluation of the error from the inspection, and then finally is the measurement system analysis of the attribute data for machine vision analysis.

            Results of this document scholars and managers can apply a framework for analyzing the attribute data measurement system as a guideline for verifying the confidence of measurement error and evaluate the performance of the machine vision systems

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How to Cite
สำราญหันต์ ป. (2021). A Framework of Attribute Data Measurement System Analysis of Machine Vision Techniques for Contamination Detection on Air Bearing Surface. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 7(2), 51–58. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/243238
Research Article


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