Production of Fuel Pellets from Sewage Sludge of the Canned Tuna Industries

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Krittidej Duangjaiboon


Canned tuna processing industry It is an industry that is very important in the economic development of Thailand. This is because the industry generates a large amount of income from canned tuna exports to more than 10 countries around the world. But even though the growth of the domestic canned tuna processing industry is increasing. But manufacturing processes in this industry generate a lot of solid and liquid wastes and need to be handled properly. These wastes are brought to the wastewater treatment system to treat and separate the sludge from the water. Improve water quality before it is released to the public. But the sewage sludge that is separated Currently, it can not be used to benefit. Most of them are collected and sent to an agency that receives sludge disposal. It is a cost burden which is considered the cost of production to the operator. With the cost problem arising from the remaining sewage sludge disposal mentioned above. Therefore, the concept of applied waste to energy technology (WTE) is used to solve this problem. By used the sewage sludge from the canned tuna processing industry to produce pellets as a substitute for coal in boilers. This study will focus on the physical properties, calorific heating value and finalcial return of investment cost of using the sewage sludge. The results from this study will be a guideline for the best utilization of waste. Both in terms of reduced costs in waste disposal and convert waste to energy. The results of the study showed that the fuel pellets produced from the sewage sludge had suitable properties to be used as a substitute for coal due to the relatively high carbon content and sulfur-free. Including having a good calorific heating value, 12.56 MJ / kg, can reduced total costs, 59.58% and have the following economic returns: NPV 48,328.03 baht, IRR 31.19%, B/C 144.64% and the payback period is 3.0 years.

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How to Cite
Duangjaiboon, K. (2021). Production of Fuel Pellets from Sewage Sludge of the Canned Tuna Industries. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 7(2), 25–39. retrieved from
Research Article


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