Development of charcoal briquette from the cane leaves and the bagasse to Community enterprise

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ธนิรัตน์ ยอดดำเนิน


This research is to study the development of briquette charcoal from sugarcane leaves and bagasse to community enterprises. Which in the production and development of briquette charcoal, has been carried out since the founding of a briquette production unit. Consisting of a 200 liter kiln, charcoal powder grinder, charcoal powder batching machine, charcoal briquette machine. As well as finding the suitable rate of the charcoal briquette mixture from sugarcane leaves and bagasse Determination of thermal efficiency of briquette charcoal Analysis of economic data and study production costs. Using the ratio of sugarcane leaves and bagasse, water and tapioca flour. Test 5 samples. The mixture between sugarcane leaves and bagasse, tapioca water, is 30:10:60, 40:10:50, 50:10:40, 60:10:30 and 70:10:20 mixing ratio 1 - 5 samples, respectively. It was found that the sample ingredient ratio 1 is 70% sugarcane and bagasse, 10% water and 20% cassava flour. The calorific value is 4,591.80 cal/g. And has the highest thermal efficiency of charcoal briquette from sugarcane leaves and bagasse up to approximately 46.5%. If sold to the market, can generate an income of 86,400 baht per year.

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How to Cite
ยอดดำเนิน ธ. (2021). Development of charcoal briquette from the cane leaves and the bagasse to Community enterprise. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 7(2), 12–24. retrieved from
Research Article


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