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Using cashew nut as fuel in gasifier causes air pollution problems. It will easily damage the blower blades and valve sets of the gasifier. Since the cashew nut shell contains a large amount of CNSL oil, it is necessary to first extract the CNSL oil so that it remains as cashew nut shell waste. The objective of this research is to design and study the efficiency of a downdraft gasifier suitable for using cashew nut shell waste as fuel. The principle is to design a V–Hearth downdraft gasifier with a size of 130 kW. Construction and installation of a gasification system consist of gasifier, cyclone, scrubber and burner, using the induction force of 2 sets of Venturi scrubber in producing air suction to the stove instead of the blower. This research also studies the density, composition, calorific value of cashew nut shell waste, as well as analyzes the thermal efficiency of the gasifier.
The results show that the cashew nut shell waste density has an average density of 486 kg/m3, with the proportion of elements such as carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) of 54.09, 6.08, 38.35, 1.38, respectively, and a calorific value of 21,217 kJ/kg. The results also show the efficiency of the gasifier that the speed feeding air to the gasifier is 2.6 m/s with fuel consumption rate 11.4 kg/hr, the air to fuel ratio 2.22, the gas flow rate 26.79 m3/hr. Compositions of the gas producer include carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) with 16, 9.7, 1.5 percent. The heat value of the gas producer is 3.605 MJ/Nm3. The thermal efficiency of the gasification system using cashew nut shell is 39.92 percent.
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