Small Scale Biomass Gasification Power Plant Management

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Thakrit Panklib


There are several agricultural residues in the country that can be used for biomass energy. At present, biomass is being used in the small electricity generation. It is an effective way to eliminate agricultural waste and simultaneously to reduce fossil fuel consumption. Recently, there are many incentives from the government for small and very small electricity producers. For examples, these electricity producers are allowed to sell the power to the grid under long term contracts, the government provides an “adder” on top of the normal tariff, assists in finding soft loans and investment subsidies, etc. With the aforementioned benefits, a prototype of small biomass gasification power plant of 200 kW capacities was installed at Prachinburi province of Thailand. The plant uses local agricultural residues such as corn cob, cassava, eucalyptus bark and chip wood as fuel. Total cost of electricity generated is estimated at 1.97 Baht/kWh. The electricity is then sold to the electricity authority of Thailand (EGAT) at 3.44 baht/kWh (in 2010). Thus, the power plant makes a profit of 1.48 baht for every kWh. If the plant is operated at 80% of its full capacity, the total electricity of 1,401,600 kWh will be generated per year. The annual profit of selling the electricity is amounted to 2,070,451 Baht.  Impressively, at this profit, the payback period is approximately 5.8 years. Moreover, the small biomass gasification power plant does not only eliminate agricultural waste effectively in the surrounding area, but also reduces the customary process of the disposal by burning. The emission to the atmosphere is thus reduced. In addition, the plant creates jobs and income for local people.

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How to Cite
Panklib, T. (2014). Small Scale Biomass Gasification Power Plant Management. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 1(1), 64–72. retrieved from
Research Article


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