Increasing the Combustion Efficiency by Using Porous Media

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ฐกฤต ปานขลิบ


The total energy consumption in Thailand has been continually increasing. Most of the fuel used in Thailand is imported such as petroleum products. Although Thailand can provide some of its own energy resources such as natural gas crude oil and coal, the domestic energy resources are not sufficient because of the increasing demand and the limitation of these energy resources. So, utilization of remaining energy efficiency and researching new technologies for energy conservation becomes absolutely necessary. In the last few decades, many researchers have been studied in the field of multiphase combustion within porous media, due to its clean and highly efficient. The burning velocities are higher than normal combustion, extended lean flammability limits, and high radiant output with low emissions of pollutants such as NOx and CO. This paper reviews the physical properties and combustion processes within porous media, and describes related experimental and study. Including the unique of porous media such as heat re-circulating combustion, internal heat recirculation in porous burner, the burner performance and conclusions.

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How to Cite
ปานขลิบ ฐ. (2014). Increasing the Combustion Efficiency by Using Porous Media. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 1(2), 1–10. retrieved from
Research Article


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