Applying TREES-NC Standards to light pollution control

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ปีดิเทพ อยู่ยืนยง



Applying TREES-NC (Thai’s Rating of Energy and Environmental Sustainability for New Construction and Major Renovation) Standards to light pollution control means using the TREES-NC Standards to set light pollution control that deliver improved outcomes for environmentally friendly lighting practices, which provide an environmental experience and deliver benefits for energy saving and the environment. To do this green building designers and engineers need to apply a range of rating systems for lighting consideration.

Applying TREES-NC guidance, and in particular TREES-NC illuminating engineering and lighting design guidance, should be the starting point for green building stakeholders looking to ensure their lighting practices get the environmental lighting standardisation that best meets TREES-NC’s criteria. TREES-NC guidance is seen as the national green building standard setter for effective urban light pollution prevention.

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อยู่ยืนยง ป. (2014). Applying TREES-NC Standards to light pollution control. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 1(2), 11–22. retrieved from
Research Article


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