Glycerol Monostearate and Distilled Cashew Nut Shell Liquid as Additives for Diesohol
This research involved the phase stability and fuel properties of the mixture of diesel and ethanol with GMS (glycerol monostearate) and distilled Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (DT-CNSL). The viscosity, acid value, oxidation stability and cetane index were measured in order to compare with diesel standards. Diesel engine performance and exhaust emission were investigated in terms of brake power of diesel engine, brake specific fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperature. Phase stability of diesel and ethanol blend was observed that a minimum threshold limit of 1.2 wt.% of GMS provided a homogeneous mixture. The most promising fuel blend was 85% of diesel and 15% of ethanol with 1.2 wt.% GMS and 1 vol.% DT-CNSL (DE15G1.2DT-C1). The inductive period of the fuel blends decreased with increasing concentration of DT-CNSL due to its antioxidant characteristics. As for the performance of diesel engine, at the speed of 1,500 rpm, the fuel blend has higher brake specific fuel consumption than diesel. On the other hand, the properties of fuel blend have similar the brake power of engine and exhaust gas temperature to pure diesel.

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