IoT Services Agent Platform: A Case Study in Network Monitoring

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Anirach Mingkhwan
Wipoo Suvunnasan
Panya hongkumdee


IoT Services Agent Platform of Network Monitoring using IoT is a work that was utilizing The Internet of Thing (IoT) devices for gathering information not just from the SNMP equipment’s but also has an advantage from the specific functions that perform by the IoT agent itself. By adding an unlimited possibility to the IoT agent monitoring system it has helped to reduce the task of the system by summarizing, inferencing and calculating before sending it to the could monitoring system. The prototype system platform has shown how to store and retrieve data from cloud storage show information of application dashboard. An efficient way of nodes management such as update scripts and firmware remotely also demonstrate in this paper. The platform presented could also be useful in
another area that uses a group of IoT services agent.

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Research Paper