Increasing Good Quality Production Rate of Synthetic Staple Fiber Process


  • Kewalee Voranan Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
  • Jeerapat Ngaoprasertwong


Reduce waste, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Risk Priority Number, Synthetic Fiber, Good product quality rate


The objective of this research is to improve quality of synthetic staple fiber production rate by focusing on a decrease in the amount of non-quality products such as waste generating in the process. The included information from December 2019 to October 2020 and illustrated the frequency of problem using Pareto chart. The problem was, then, analyzed and justified into cause and effect diagram and evaluated through Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) that consist of Severity, Occurrence and Detection which were utilized in calculating Risk Priority Number (RPN). This RPN was meant to prioritize problems according to their significance and identify the most affected problem to quality production rate. RPN score shows the factor that has the highest score are 1) Quench Air is uneven and 2) unrelated movement of Tow can and Roller.

The result of improvement has resulted in an increase in quality rate from 92.97 percent to 95.79 percent. Moreover, non-quality rate and waste was reduced from 7.03 percent to 4.21 percent. Thus, the profit was increased to 130,892.63 baht per month when producing 93 ton per day. From this investigation, the company in this case study started to increase production capacity to be 96 ton per day.


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