Instructions for Authors

1.Instructions for authors

2.UPJST Template

3.UPJST latex template

Type of manuscript

Manuscripts may be submitted in the form of review articles, research articles or short communications and must be clearly and concisely written in English. As an approximate guide to length:

  1. Review articles would not normally exceed 30 pages of double-spaced A4 text, inclusive of tables, figures and references, with a maximum of 50 references. Reviews are only normally by invitation, but prospective authors are welcome to contact the editor or associate editor to discuss possible contributions.
  2. Research articles would not normally exceed 20 pages of double-spaced A4 text, similarly all-inclusive. The number of references should not exceed 30.
  3. Short communications would not normally exceed 8 pages of double-spaced A4 text, including not more than 2 tables and 2 figures and a maximum of 10 references.

Authors guideline for Research articles

Manuscripts submitted to UPJST must conform to the guidelines of the journal. The manuscripts must be written in good English in Times New Roman (font size 12). Manuscripts can be prepared as MSWord (.doc, .docx) or LaTeX (.tex). LaTeX template can run on TeXstudio, Texmaker or WinEdt (version 10 and up).

The manuscript should be divided into

  • Title page - contains title of the article and names of all authors. Title should be short, descriptive, and should not contain any abbreviations or subtitles. List the names of all authors (preferred given names, initial(s), and surnames), affiliations, complete addresses, and email address of the corresponding author.
  • Abstract - should be a concise summary of the manuscript of not more than 250 words. It should include a brief description of the methods, main results, and conclusions, and emphasize what is novel in the work. It should preferably not contain any citations.
  • Keywords - Please provide 3-5 keywords.
  • Introduction - gives short review of literature with general background of the subject, current stage and remaining gap of knowledge, reason for carrying out the study and its relationship to reported works in the area, aim of the present study, etc.
  • Materials and Methods - provides brief but sufficient information for others to be able to reproduce the experiments. Use bold font for different subsections. If the methods are already published, in references. If the previously published methods are modified, describe how you modified them and cite the references of the original published methods. SI units of measurement should be used.

Statements of compliance are required if the work involved the use of human or animal subjects. Studies on human and animals require the approval from the ethic committee. Authors must state the approval code in the manuscript.

  • Results - presents results in text, figures, tables and graphs. Avoid redundant presentation in the text of the data already shown in tables or figures, nor use both figure and table to show the same data. Subsections may be used as necessary.
  • Discussion - should be concise and not verbose. Discussion should contain interpretation of results, and comparison with other published works. Results and discussion can be merged.
  • Conclusion - may be a separate section or write as the last paragraph in Discussion. This part present conclusion of the work, the importance and future word could also be mentioned.
  • Acknowledgements - to individuals who helped the work, funding unit, and institution, etc.
  • References - should be indicated in the text by numerals in square brackets in consecutive order. When references are mentioned by authors’ names in the text, they should still be designated by the numeral system. Proper citation is important, authors should cite proper and up-to-date references.

A reference to UPJST article should begin with the author's surname followed by forename or initials (more than eight authors, use et al), year in full (in bracket), the title of the article, journal name (italic and abbreviated, followed by volume number (bold) and page numbers. The styles of references for the journal and book are shown below:


[1]  Tunya R, Wongsawad C, Wongsawad P, Chai JY (2020) Morphological and molecular characteristics of Anisakis typica larvae in two species of Threadfin bream, Nemipterus hexodon and N. japonicus, from the gulf of Thailand. Korean J Parasitol 58(1), 15-25.

Book Chapters:

[2]  Jenness R (1988) Composition of Milk. In: Wong NP, Jenness R, Keeney M, Marth EH (eds) Fundamentals of Dairy Chemistry, 3rd end, Springer, Boston, MA, 1-38.


[3]  Wineski LE (2018) Snell's Clinical anatomy by regions, 10th edn, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, United States.


[4] Arin J (2016) Characterization of zinc oxidetitanium dioxide and zinc titanate nanostructures prepared by hydrothermal calcination combined processes. PhD thesis, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Note: Web page should not be given as reference unless there is really no alternative.

  • Tables and figures - Each table must be prepared on a separate page (type 1.5 or double-space), with a short descriptive title and sufficient details in the legend immediately following the title. Symbols and abbreviations should be defined in the legend. Footnotes must be used to define a, b, c, in the Table. Figures must be submitted in a suitable form for high quality reproduction. Use (a), (b), (c), etc to label sub-figures. Lettering in the figures should be clear with adequate size to be legible after reduction. Half-tone illustrations could be accepted, provided that they have sufficient contrast. A scale should appear on photomicrographs. Color plates are welcome if color is necessary for contribution to the understanding of the information. Figure legends should be typed 1.5 or double spaced at the end of the text, not on the figures. All Figures (graphs and maps) should be supplied as vector format file types (EPS or PDF) which can be generated directly from the graph or map drawing program used.

Authors guideline for Review articles

Manuscripts include Title page, Abstract and Key words, Text, References, Tables, and Figures. The text is written in free style.

Authors guideline for Short communications

The sequence for a Short Communication is Title page, Abstract and Key words, Text, Acknowledgements, References, and Figure Legends. Tables and Figures are as additional files. All sections except the text are in the form described for Research articles.

Text: The text is written without a heading and without sections, such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion, and without extra spacing between paragraphs.


Manuscripts must be submitted via the online submission system as .doc, .docx or PDF files. The PDF files should include all figures and tables. If the PDF file is larger than 2MB, please try to reduce the size by decreasing the resolution of the included figures. We only require high resolution figures if your article is accepted. Manuscripts with a heavy mathematical content will only be accepted as LaTeX files.