Risk assessment of cardiovascular disease among staff of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


  • Sasiwan Tassana-iem


Assessment, Risk, Cardiovascular disease, Staff


Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of disability and premature mortality among middle-aged adults in Thailand. This disease is influenced by preventable risk factors. Thus, risk assessment is necessary to identify risk
levels and to design the preventive risk-reducing intervention for individual risk of cardiovascular disease. This descriptive research aimed to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease among staff at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat
University. For sample selection, the present attendance of annual health check-up was used as inclusion criteria (35 years old and over). A total of 101 staff who met all of the eligibility requirements were selected and completed
a questionnaire from May to July in 2013. The questionnaire was applied from cardiovascular risk assessment for Thai people (Rama-EGAT Heart Score). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics: means, standard deviation, and
percentage. The results showed that the samples were female (64.4%); 62.4% were married and 44.6% were civil servants. 13.9% of samples were smokers. Regarding alcohol use, 10.9% reported habitual drinking alcohol.
However, only 47.5% had annual health checks. The risk assessment of cardiovascular disease reported 7.9% and 5.0% of samples had high and moderate-risk levels, respectively. Therefore, these results have further suggested this organization in providing appropriate health intervention to reduce the cardiovascular risks among staff.




How to Cite

Tassana-iem, S. (2016). Risk assessment of cardiovascular disease among staff of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University. Creative Science, 8(1), 138–145. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/snru_journal/article/view/55335