Effect of Monoethanolamine Concentrations for CO2 and H2S Elimination in Biogas Improving Process


  • Surajitr Pramuang Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University 234 Loei – Chiangkhan road, Muang Sub-District, Muang District, Loei Province, 42000 Thailand


Biogas purification, CO2 removal, H2S removal, mono-ethanolamine


The utilization of raw biogas that low %CH4 content with high %CO2 and %H2S obtains low calorific value and metal corroded. The removal of CO2 and H2S is needed in biogas improving process. The solution of MEA with different concentrations using for CO2 and H2S elimination was investigated. A small biogas purifier consists of three parts of container with MEA solution volume 1.50 L, iron rust 1.20 kg and silica gel 1.50 kg using as the materials for chemical absorption and physical adsorption in purification process. The concentrations of MEA solution with 1, 1.50, 2, 2.50 and 3 mol L–1 were compared the CO2 and H2S removal performance and saturated duration. The raw biogas contains by averaged of 61.10% CH4, 37% CO2, 0.90% H2S, 0.30% O2 and 0.70% others feeding through the biogas–1 purifier with flowrate of 0.04 kg s . The output of CH4 for MEA solution of 1, 1.50, 2, 2.50 and 3 mol.L–1 were 91.30%, 91.80%, 92.10%, 90.40% and 92.50% respectively. The effect of high concentration obtained the high removal performance but the saturated duration was not different compare to the low concentration.


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How to Cite

Pramuang, S. (2020). Effect of Monoethanolamine Concentrations for CO2 and H2S Elimination in Biogas Improving Process. Creative Science, 12(3), 207–212. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/snru_journal/article/view/239986