Characteristics and Properties of Knitted Paper Mulberry Fab

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Sakorn Chonsakorn
Kajijarus Piromthamsiri
Chanchai Sirikasemlert


The objective of this research was to experimentally produce paper mulberry fabrics
by knitting and determining the characteristics and physical properties of the fabrics
obtained. The materials used for this study were the paper mulberry yarns spun by the
modified hemp spinning method (MH) using 2, 4 and 6 mm bark strips and the modified
cotton spinning method (MC) using 3.5, 5 and 6.5 cm fibers. The knitted fabrics were
produced by hand and tested for physical properties according to the ASTM standards.
It was found that the knitted paper mulberry fabrics made from the yarns spun by the
modified hemp spinning methods were dense and smooth. In contrast, the knitted paper
mulberry fabrics made from the yarns spun by the modified cotton spinning methods
were rough and fuzzy. The knitted fabrics made from the yarns spun by the six different
methods statistically had different thickness, weight, course count and wale count at the
0.01 level.

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How to Cite
S. Chonsakorn, K. Piromthamsiri, and C. Sirikasemlert, “Characteristics and Properties of Knitted Paper Mulberry Fab”, RMUTI Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1–10, Apr. 2017.
Research article


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