Parametric Analysis of Foam-Filled Polygonal Thin-walled Tubes Subjected to Torque using Experimental Design

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somya poonaya


This paper focuses on the parametric study of foam-filled polygonal thin-walled tubes subjected to torsion using experiments. The tube shapes include circle, octagonal, hexagonal, and square. The tubes have the same perimeter, length, and material. The effects of foam density and the number of polygon corners are also investigated. The parameters for analysis are average force, maximum force, absorbed energy, and specific absorbed energy. The experimental results
show that failure behavior starts at one end of the tube, and the number of hinge lines increases with the torsional angle. The results for foam density concluded that the average force, maximum force, absorbed energy, and specific absorbed energy of foam with a density of 100 kg/m3 are the highest, while those of foam with a density of 50 kg/m3 are the lowest.
Furthermore, the results for polygonal shapes indicate that the circular tube has the highest average force, maximum force, absorbed energy, and specific absorbed energy, followed by the octagonal and hexagonal tubes, with the square tube being the lowest.

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How to Cite
somya poonaya, “Parametric Analysis of Foam-Filled Polygonal Thin-walled Tubes Subjected to Torque using Experimental Design”, RMUTI Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 63–75, Aug. 2024.
Research article


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