The Strength of Cement Mortar with Industrial Rubberwood Fly Ash
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The objective of this research is to study the strength of cement mortars mixed with industrial rubberwood fly ash. The rubberwood fly ash was used as a replacement for general-purpose hydraulic cement (GU) and Portland cement type 1 (PC) in proportions of 0, 10, 20, and 30 percent by weight of the binder. The water-to-cement ratio was varied to achieve a flow consistency of 110±5. Compressive strength, flexural strength, and tensile strength were then tested. The results of the study indicated that (1) the compressive strength of mortars decreased with the increase of rubberwood fly ash content. However, GU mortar met with a percentage of replacement of 20 percent. For PC mortar, while, the appropriate replacement of 10 percent. (2) the mortars with 10 percent rubberwood fly ash showed higher compressive strength than the control mortars. And, (3) the tensile strength of mortars decreased with the increase of rubberwood fly ash content. In conclusion, the appropriate replacement level for cement with rubberwood fly ash was 10 percent which provided opportunities for future extensions and developments.
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