The Study of the Reinforced Masonry Walls with Bamboo under the Pendulum Test
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The objective of this research was to study the reinforced masonry walls with bamboo under the pendulum test. A total of 6 samples of masonry walls were tested, with an average size of 600 x 600 mm, consisting of 1) non-plastered Mon brick wall (CT1), 2) plastered Mon brick wall (CT2), 3) reinforced masonry wall with bamboo at a distance of 50 mm (W1), 4) reinforced masonry wall with bamboo at a distance of 100 mm (W2), 5) reinforced masonry wall with bamboo at a distance of 150 mm (W3), and reinforced masonry wall with bamboo at a distance of 200 mm (W4). Assessments were performed using the pendulum test with application angles ranging from 5 to 90 degrees. The results found that samples CT1, CT2, W1, W2, W3 and W4 had impact load values of 9.04, 21.33, 39.2, 34.28, 26.92, and 25.01 N.m, respectively. For the control sample CT2, it was shown that plastering the masonry wall resulted in a 2.36 times higher impact load when compared with sample CT1. In addition, when comparing the masonry wall samples reinforced with bamboo at a distance of 50 to 200 mm with the CT2 sample, it was found that walls W1, W2, W3, and W4 had 1.83, 1.61, 1.26, and 1.17 times higher impact load, respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that reinforcement using the reinforced masonry walls with bamboo significantly increased the impact load.
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