Development of Bio-foam from Banana Sheath and Cassava Starch (81 cultivar) with Natural Wax as Coating Agent for Food Packaging
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This research aimed to develop bio-foam from banana sheath and cassava starch (81 cultivar) with natural waxes as coating agents for food packaging. This research proposed to produce food containers from banana sheath by using cassava starch (81 cultivar) as a binder. The bio-foam was prepared by dissolving the cassava starch (81 cultivar) in water with the concentration of 10 % (w/v) at 95 oC for 20 min and mixed with 350 g banana sheath. The bio-foam was formed in a mold by a hot compression process at 100 oC for 30 seconds. The bio-foam container was removed from the mold and coated with three types of natural wax , namely bee wax, soy wax, and coconut oil wax, in which the variation on wax content (5, 10 and 15 g) was also studied. The physical and mechanical properties; water absorption, moisture absorption, oil resistance, compression test, puncture strength, morphology analysis and the degradation of the bio-foam were evaluated. The results showed that the appropriate wax type and content for coating the bio-form was 15 g of bee wax. The water absorption and moisture absorption decreased while the oil resistance, compression test and puncture strength increased compared with the control sample. Morphological analysis of the bio-foam coated with bee wax showed a smoother surface than the one without the coating. The degradation study of the bio-foam samples buried under the ground showed 20 - 52 % degradation in three months. Bio-foam containers from banana sheath and cassava starch (81 cultivar) coated with natural waxes was biodegradable which can help reduce the amount of waste and can be used as foam trays, souvenir packaging and foam coasters.
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