Antibacterial Activity of Coated Cotton Fabrics with Chitosan-Montmorillonite Composites
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The objective of the study was to prepare coated cotton fabrics with chitosan (CS) and montmorillonite (MMT) composites to improve the antibacterial activity. CS-MMT composites were prepared by ion exchange technique. Cotton fabrics were coated with CS-MMT composites by dipping and drying in hot air oven. Different numbers of coatings (1, 5 and 10) were then
examined. The chemical composition of coated cotton fabric with CS-MMT composite was analyzed by FTIR and the morphology was observed by SEM. The results indicated that CS-MMT composite could be attached to cotton fabrics. The antibacterial activity was quantitatively assessed by using the AATCC 100: 2004 test method. The result revealed that the cotton coated with composites 5 and 10 cycles showed 95 - 99 % microbial reduction against. After 5 washing cycles, the CS-MMT composite retained on cotton fabric had an antibacterial activity up to 28 % for Escherichia coli and 35 % for Staphylococcus aureus.
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