Influence of NaOH Concentration and Sand to Binder Ratio on Hybrid Cement Mortar for Filled Materials in Notched Concrete Beam
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This research investigated the effect of factors of sand to binder (S/B) ratio and sodium hydroxide (NH) concentration on flexural strength of notched beam with filled FA-PC geopolymer mortar. The tested results revealed that flexural strength of notched concrete beam with filled geopolymer mortar as repair material tended to increase as expected. The factors of NH concentration and S/B ratio for manufacturing geopolymer mortar flexural strength of notched concrete beam. The geopolymer mortar made from 6M NH concentration showed that flexural strength
of notched concrete beam tended to increase with an increase in S/B ratio up to 1.25 after which the strength tended to decrease. The geopolymer mortar made from 10M and 14M NH concentration showed that flexural strength of notched concrete beam tended to decrease with an increase in S/B ratio. The S/B ratio of 1.00 was the most suitable for use as repair material due to its S/B ratio having higher homogeneity compared with the S/B ratios of 1.25 and 1.50.
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