The Effects of Corn Varieties, Layers of Corn Husks, and Fiber Extraction Methods on Yields and Physical Properties of Corn Husk Fibers
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The objective of this research was to study the effects of corn varieties, layers of corn husks, and fiber extraction methods on yields and physical properties of corn husk fibers. Three corn varieties: Insee 2, Hi-brix 3, and ATS 12, two layers of corn husks: outer and inner corn husks and six fiber extraction methods: method 1 using 2.5 g/l alkaline solution, method 2 using 5.0 g/l alkaline solution, method 3 using 2.5 g/l alkaline and 0.5 % enzyme solution, method 4 using 2.5 g/l alkaline and 1.0 % enzyme solution, method 5 using 5.0 g/l alkaline and 0.5 % enzyme solution, and method 6 using 5.0 g/l alkaline and 1.0 % enzyme solution were utilized. The experimental design used was 3 2 6 factorial experiments in randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that corn varieties significantly affected fiber yield and fiber fineness (p0.01). The layers of corn husks significantly affected fiber length and fiber crimp (p
0.01 and 0.05 respectively). The fiber extraction methods significantly affected fiber yield, fiber length, and fiber fineness (p
0.01). The interaction between the corn varieties and layers of corn husks significantly affected fiber yield, fiber length, fiber fineness, and fiber crimp (p
0.01, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.05 respectively). The interaction between the corn varieties and fiber extraction method significantly affected fiber yield, fiber length, and fiber crimp (p
0.01, 0.01, and 0.05 respectively). The interaction between the layers of corn husks and fiber extraction method significantly affected fiber yield (p 0.01). The interaction between corn varieties, layers of corn husks, and fiber extraction method significantly affected fiber yield and fiber length (p
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