Concrete Pavement Monitoring with Ground Penetrating Radar

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ณรงค์ชัย วิวัฒนาช่าง
ชนะรบ วิชาลัย
วีระพงษ์ พจนพิมล


Pavement subsidences in Thailand have often damaged due to voids beneath the concrete pavement, which are likely prone to more widespread sub pavement erosion and further void development, making their early detection an important aspect of highway maintenance and remediation. As a fast and non-destructive testing tool, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can provide valuable information for the development of road repair and maintenance programs. This study, GPR forward modeling of concrete pavement model was constructed to test parameters that aff ected to GPR data collection in the fi eld. Study results indicated that a frequency of 900 MHz is suitable for void detection in both GPR forward modeling and concrete pavement model results. Real data collection in the fi eld using 900 MHz antenna before and after repaired by sub-sealing method also showed signifi cant of sub-base structure improvement at repaired locations.

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How to Cite
วิวัฒนาช่าง ณ., วิชาลัย ช., and พจนพิมล ว., “Concrete Pavement Monitoring with Ground Penetrating Radar”, RMUTI Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 17–31, Dec. 2018.
Research article


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